Thank you for visiting the policy page for the U.S. Pulse Industry!
Washington, D.C. Mission Support Page
Political decisions significantly impact the agricultural industry, from farm bill legislation to estate tax, child nutrition, and marketing programs.
The USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council (USADPLC) and the American Pulse Association (APA) seek to address these issues, traveling to Washington, D.C., several times a year with an extended, industry-wide mission in February to give voice to the needs of the dry pea, lentil, chickpea, and dry bean industry in meetings with members of Congress and government agencies.
If you want to participate in this education effort, please contact the industry office at 208-882-3023 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information on the policy stance of the dry pea, lentil, dry bean, and chickpea industry, download our Policy Positions below.
Download the full presentation PDF by clicking the link below.
Some More Information about the USA Pulse Industry!
Pulse Crop Health Initiative (PCHI)
As obesity, health, food insecurity, and nutrition problems continue to rise in the United States, there is an increasing need for food sources that combat those problems. Dry peas, beans, lentils, and chickpeas are packed with essential nutrients, and the Pulse Crop Health Initiative is a targeted effort to fund research on these crops to better utilize their powerful attributes.
"The PCHI was designed to accomplish three goals,” says Tim McGreevy, CEO of the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council and the American Pulse Association. "The first goal is to address obesity and chronic disease in America, and through research on pulse crops we hope to offer solutions to address those major health issues.”
The second goal is to address global hunger and functionality, while the third goal is to increase the sustainability of agricultural production.
While preliminary research has shown how nutritious and healthy dry peas, lentils, and chickpeas are for people, it is merely the tip of the iceberg with a wealth of information waiting to be uncovered.
Interested in learning what the PCHI is going to accomplish? Please visit the USDA Agricultural Research Service Pulse Crop Health Initiative website.