The U.S.A. pulse crop industry is dedicated to robust scientific research to continue to advance dry peas, lentils, chickpeas, and dry beans. Research directed towards enhancing the development of pulses provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate how their increased use and consumption and positively impact agricultural systems, the food industry, and public health.  Priority research areas include


Breeding and Genetics
Human Nutrition & Health
Crop Management & Sustainability
Economics & Sustainability
Food Technology/Processing & Product Innovation
Extension and Education 

By addressing these priorities, we aim to keep both people and the planet healthy. 

           pdf Click here to view the Research Strategic Plan (112 KB)

USADPLC Dry Pea & Lentil Council Grant Opportunity

Call for Proposals is Now CLOSED for FY2024/25

  pdf  Click here to view the current Call for Proposals for FY 2024/25 (176 KB)

  pdf Click here to download the Application template (102 KB)


General Timeline 

Release of RFP   October 2023
Deadline for Submission December 5, 2023
Joint Research Review Presentations week of February 19, 2024
Applicants will be asked to present a brief overview of the proposal. Presentations may be in-person or via video teleconference. The research review will be held in Fargo, ND  
USADPLC budgeting process finalized June 30, 2024
FY 23-24 budgets approved by Board July 1, 2024
Award notices Mid-Late July 2024
Contracts with USADPLC and Institutions August 2024
Research and reporting activity July 2024 to June 2025
Publications and Final reports due December 2025


Previously Funded Awards:

USADPLC & APA Funded Research FY 2023-24  pdf Download pdf here. (99 KB)

USADPLC & APA Funded Research FY 2022-23  Download pdf here.

USADPLC & APA Funded Research FY 2021-22  Download pdf here.

USADPLC & APA Funded Research FY 2020-21    pdf Download pdf here. (404 KB)

USADPLC Funded Research FY 2019-20     pdf Download pdf here. (101 KB)

USADPLC Funded Research FY 2018-19    pdf Download pdf here. (109 KB)

Pulse Crop Health Initiative (PCHI)

        Click here for more information and previously funded projects.

The goal of the Pulse Crop Health Initiative is to use collaborative research on pulse crops to provide solutions to the critical health and sustainability challenges facing the citizens of the United States and the global community.

 Plans of work are accepted for research pertaining to any/all of the following research areas:

  1. Human Health Improvement & Chronic Disease Prevention
  2. Functionality Traits & Food Security
  3. Sustainability of Pulse Production Systems 
  4. NIFA-AFRI Request for Applications
    $350,000 was approved for interdisciplinary research to increase protein in pulses. Application Deadline is Thursday, August 1, 2024 (5:00 p.m. EST). Click here to look more information about the grant (

    The USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council Commodity Board Topic:
    Assess the genetic basis and potential genes associated with protein production in pulses. Other key factors, such as environment and agronomic practices, should also be considered through multi-regional collaboration on grant applications. This information will greatly facilitate developing genetic and genomic tools for protein-enhanced new cultivar development, as well as provide further information for adaptation zones and optimum nutrient management to maximize pulse protein production in the US. The RFA is located here ( Co-funding topics and application information can be found in dark red font on pages 103-108. If you have any questions, please contact to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Variety Trial Guidelines 

Do you lead a pulse crop variety trials program? Here are guidelines set by the industry and a template to include key measurements.

Varietal Program Guidelines    pdf Download pdf here. (231 KB)

Varietal Program Template       spreadsheet Download template here. (17 KB)

Variety Trial Results

 UI Variety Testing _ Winter Pea Results

Yields for 2023 were below average, but in excess of 3,000 lb/A at all locations except Pullman. The lower yields are likely due to environmental factors, including freeze events below 0 F during January without snow cover and lower than average precipitation at most locations in May and June. However, temperatures were moderate during flowering and pod development, leading to good pod set and seed development.



Average Yield (lb/A)

Idaho locations:




  Greencreek (Camas Prairie)




Washington locations:




  Walla Walla



There are two new varieties listed in the data. Below are the new names and experimental designations that these varieties were previously tested under.

  • KurtWood (previously tested as Pro 182-7137), ProGene
  • MS Winterberry (previously tested as MS-20W3), Meridian Seed

Download the full report here:

  pdf 2023 Greencreek Winter Pea (115 KB)

  pdf 2023 Moscow Winter Pea (116 KB)

  pdf 2023  Pullman Winter Pea (109 KB)

  pdf 2023 Walla Walla Winter Pea (109 KB)

Pulse Quality Survey

Pulse Quality Survey is a annual report that provides a summary of the pulse crop quality for dry pea, lentil and chickpea grown commercially in the USA. The quality samples are typically collected from major US pulse growing regions, such as Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho and Washington. The quality testing, evaluation and publication are conducted by Dr. Clifford Hall and his team at South Dakota State University. "The mission of the pulse quality program is to provide industry, academic and government personnel with readily accessible data on pulse quality and to provide science-based evidence for the utilization of pulses as whole food and as ingredients in food products" (cited from 2022 U.S. Pulse Quality Survey).

2023 Pulse Quality Survey
2022 Pulse Quality Survey
2021 Pulse Quality Survey
2020 Pulse Quality Survey
2019 Pulse Quality Survey
2018 Pulse Quality Survey

Pulse Crop Podcast: Growing Pulse Crops

This show features the latest in research, agronomy and economics of pulse crops, such as peas,chickpeas, lentils. Brought by the Pulse Crop Working Group.


Legume Virus Project - "Aphid Tracker"

This project was established in 2007 to provide decision support and seasonal monitoring of pea aphids and viruses in the Palouse region of North Idaho and Eastern Washington. In this project, aphids are monitored with a network of field-side pan traps and the data are provided on a weekly basis on the project website. Aphids are tested for viruses and those results are also posted. Dr. Sanford Eigenbrode and his team at University of Idaho and collaborators have been conducting the project.  CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

Pulse Samples for Research

Are you conducting a pulse research project and in need of seeds or products to conduct your studies? If so, please fill out our product request form and we'll do our best to help you get what you need!

Product Request Form    Download fillable form here.